I cannot believe it has been two whole years since I launched The Payroll People. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was creating a business plan, coming up with a business name, researching payroll software, applying for a business bank account, etc.
The first year was challenging. There was so much happening, and it was coming from all directions. Where to advertise? What events to sponsor? What events to attend? Should I do this workshop or that workshop? Should I get a booth at a trade show? Should I partner with another organization? Basically, a lot of ‘Where would it be best to direct my efforts?’
Advertising and marketing were foreign to me, so I was glad to have Dooley & Associates and my husband, Peter Hellenbrand, by my side. Dooley & Associates did so much to help me, from helping me decide on a business name, creating a unique logo, building and designing my website, and producing marketing materials for me to grow my business and spread the word. They continue to help and guide me, and I am so incredibly grateful.
My husband is my biggest promoter. He has been at my side, encouraging and supporting me well before I decided to take the leap. He works in the sales world, and his expertise has been invaluable. He gave recommendations on best practices, would get me back on track when I would get discouraged (sales is HARD!), and has been an avid reviewer of the many documents I’ve had to create for my clients. I cannot say thank you enough to my friends, my family, and my husband for their support these past two years.

I want to say thank you to my wonderful clients.
Thank you for taking a chance on a new company, for allowing me to use you as guinea pigs, and for the wonderful reviews and referrals. At the beginning of 2023, everything started to come together. Most of my new clients were the result of referrals, and let me tell you, there is no better feeling for a business owner than a referral. It is confirmation that you are doing a good job, that your efforts are paying off, and that you are appreciated. It warms my heart whenever I get a new referral or see a new review.
I have been provided with some unique opportunities due to client referrals. A bookkeeper I have worked with for years has referred several of his clients to me for payroll services. In 2023, I partnered with an accounting firm in Texas and took over most of their clients’ 1099 and W2 processing. I have partnered with another firm to modernize and streamline their payroll department. The Payroll People will also bring in our first New Jersey client this month, bringing the number of states we have clients to 15.
I have no doubt that 2024 will bring more referrals, reviews, and partnerships, and I can’t wait. Thank you again for your support! I couldn’t have done this on my own!